PROJECTS  —  SOBEL "piękni ludzie"
Presenting a story that serves as a cautionary tale against hasty judgments, inspiring understanding of others instead of focusing on shallow assessments.

We explore this issue through a narrative about a disfigured man endowed with magical healing abilities. The story delves into the themes of subjective judgments and mistrust towards the extraordinary and different. Despite the main character's kindness and deep love for others, he must confront prejudices and fear ignited by his unconventional appearance. Paradoxically, his unique healing power, the more he employs it, leads to his own repulsion and distortion.


Directing: Michał Radziejewski
Art Direction: Kosma Masny
Script: Michał Radziejewski, Kosma Masny, Kasper Lorek, Sobel

Producer: Tomasz Kempski Production House: By People Films